Blog from a log – Moments with Bigfoot
Hey guys, it’s me, Bigfoot.
Please, don’t call me Mr. Foot. Or the ‘Squatch. Or ‘the Yeti’ – he’s a cousin, on my mom’s side. Just Bigfoot. Furry ‘n friendly, as I say to my friends. And I want us to be friends.
First thing I gotta say is I don’t know how you city folks do it. It’s kinda shady and cool back where I live, and it’s so bright here. 9000 watts of sunshine-y sunshine. The internet doesn’t call me a ‘giant forest-dwelling gorilla-esque half-bear half-man’ for nothing: I’m a smart guy. I brought shades.
OK, so why am I here? It’s not that things aren’t great in the woods. Comfy moss to sleep on, I can take a shower every time it rains, and the nuts and berries are 5-star. And if you like bark – mmm. I love my bark. The food bloggers are always asking me to tell them where the best artisanal bark is, and I always tell ‘em two valleys over. You don’t want to run low on bark.
But here I am in the big city. And I got here as fast as my big feet could carry me. Which is fast. Which is also why most pictures of me are blurry. I’m here for a reason: the Canaccord Genuity Great Camp Adventure Walk for SickKids. I couldn’t miss this.
Think about it. The Great Camp Adventure Walk is ‘Great’, and I’m great. Well, definitely ‘great big’, and the squirrels and moose back home always say I’m a great guy. I think they mean it. Squirrels – they can be a little squirrelly, but a moose? They’re straight up. Have you ever met a lying moose? No.
So, I’m a great guy, it’s a great walk, and great people do it. I’m there.
"I’m here for a reason: the Canaccord Genuity Great Camp Adventure Walk for SickKids."
Then there’s the ‘Camp’ part. I love Camp. All the fun woodland activities – it’s how I live 24-7-365. Who do you think comes around and fishes the marshmallows you dropped in the campfire out? I love marshmallows. And I love camp.
What’s next? It’s an ‘Adventure’, and a ‘Walk’. Well, I love walking. And strolling. And hiking. I walk all day – up, down, and sometimes straight across – it’s what my big feet are for. And my whole life’s an adventure. From playing hide-and-seek with nature photographers to going to ComicCon dressed as Chewbacca. I love having fun.
The last part of this whole thing is ‘for SickKids’. Everyone’s got a connection to SickKids, ‘cos everyone knows a SickKids kid. They do amazing stuff – like treat cancer or fix a hole in a kid’s heart. Me? Well, ol’ Bigfoot’s a big softie. I’ve got a soft spot for kids. They believe I’m real. Adults are always saying “Naah – it’s just a shadow.”
So that’s why I’m in town. I’m here for the Great Camp Adventure Walk for SickKids. I’ve already started my fundraising. If we were doing this back home, my goal would be 500 shiny rocks from the riverbed – which is an ambitious goal back home – but the walk’s here in the city, so I’m raising real money. As much as I can. You can go to my fundraising page here. There’s also lots of ideas on how to fundraise at online. Which kinda makes it easy for you city folks. It’s harder for us woodland creatures, ‘cos the wi-fi up there is pretty spotty.
Register, start your own fundraising, and I’ll see you on the day. (Or maybe before. Since I’m in town, I intend to get around a bit and check it out. Wave if you spot me.) Talk to you soon.