We are challenging Canada's tech leaders to be as invested in SickKids future as they are in their companies.

Twenty-first century medicine shouldn’t be held back by a 1949 building. SickKids leads the fight for children’s health. From precision genetic medicine, to surgical robotics, to harnessing big data to save lives, we’re at the cutting edge. But we’re limited by our old building. 

That’s why we need to build clinical facilities that don’t limit what we can do. For the best patient outcomes, we need to accommodate contemporary best practices and technology, attract world-class medical leaders, and create spaces that comfort families.

As SickKids pushes the limits, we ask you, the tech and innovation community, to join us. As drivers of change, you are redefining how we live: how we invest, how we connect with friends and family, how we think and act. With that power comes responsibility – the responsibility to help. So we’re issuing a fundraising challenge to all of you. 

Our goal: $25 million for new, state-of-the-art spaces, people, and programs. Join Us.

For more information, or to keep posted on updates, email:  techandinnovation@sickkidsfoundation.com


Pearl Jam High Five


We're on the front lines of children's health. And we're winning. But there are still battles left to fight. Whether you're a founder or an employee, here's how you can help SickKids lead the fight:


Make a donation. Whether it's one-time, once a year, or once a month. Join the community of people who are fighting for childhood. Every day. 


Commit a pledge to SickKids through Upside Foundation. Founders can donate 1% of their company’s equity at the time of sale or IPO. Click here to learn more about Upside.


SickKids C100 Champions. Are you a member of the C100 in the US? We want to work with you as we begin the greatest fundraising campaign in the history of Canadian healthcare.


Excite and engage your company's employees to participate in events supporting SickKids.

Find out how you can get involved in SickKids tech and innovation initiative

SickKids VS Heal the Future

The era of Precison Child Health is here.