Activate Your Company Purpose
Your commitment to child health can be a cultural rallying point for your organization, bringing your purpose to life. Activate your employees as purpose ambassadors, drive engagement and deliver tangible social impact by transforming child health.
Did you know that:
- 93% of employees today believe now, more than ever before, companies must lead with Purpose*
- 69% of employees said they won’t work for a company that doesn’t have a strong Purpose*
- If a company leads with Purpose, 90% of employees would share that Purpose story with clients or customers*
* 2020 Porter Novelli Purpose Tracker
From auctions and celebrations to panels and speaker series, there are many ways your employees can support SickKids, and we can work with you to tailor or invent one that is just right for your business.
To start your own workplace fundraiser — whether online or in-person — click here to register and get started! And if you have additional questions, or want to discuss your employee engagement ideas, please contact

SickKids: A Very Special Thank You
A special thank you from some very special families.