Our goal is to keep fighting until every child is a healthy child. It’s a fight we’ve waged for well over 100 years

It takes brilliant minds, super-human dedication, and the passionate support of donors like you who are willing to join our fight in a significant way. Research requires funding. Educating the next generation of scientists and pediatric specialists in Canada and around the world requires funding. Care requires funding. 


Thanks to the spirit and generosity of our donors, SickKids is a leading champion of children’s health, with a worldwide reputation. But our battle is not over. Generous donations – of $10,000 or more – have a powerful impact on finding better ways to treat a daunting range of the challenging issues that face children today.  


You can help us provide the exceptional care and treatment for which we’ve become world-renowned. Our fundraising professionals can show you how you might consider structuring your gift, and work with you to ensure it delivers the impact you hope to achieve.


In the 2023 federal budget, legislative changes were proposed to the alternative minimum tax (AMT) that will affect individuals and trusts. The legislation, coming into effect in 2024, may affect the tax credits associated with charitable donations including gift of appreciated securities, stock options, and flow-through shares. If you would like to learn more, please click here.  


Should you have any questions, please reach out to Colin Hennigar at Colin.Hennigar@sickkidsfoundation.com or 416-813-1211.

SickKids staff member in waiting room

Contact us to discuss your philanthropy


The era of Precision Child Health is here.