We believe that where you live shouldn’t determine if you live. That’s why we’re erasing boundaries.
Your donation will reach a lot further than Canada. SickKids is in Toronto. But we’re a citizen of the world, and always have been. With Pablum in the 1930s, we fought malnutrition in places like Canada and the USA. With ‘Sprinkles’ in the 21st century, we’re fighting the same battle in low-income countries. It’s a micronutrient powder mothers can add to local foods to address vitamin and mineral deficiencies. That’s just one example. Today, we collaborate with health-care organizations in over 75 countries. If you’re a citizen of the world, your donation will make a difference in the world.
We believe that where you live shouldn’t determine if you live. That’s why we’re erasing boundaries. The research you fund at SickKids will pioneer new possibilities in treatment and cure not just here, but around the world. Your donation will fund the fight to keep SickKids facilities and equipment on the cutting edge – so we can deliver the best care possible to the thousands of patients who come from Canada, the United States, and across the globe. You’ll be funding the fight for childhood, supporting the innovative ways SickKids comforts kids through difficult times.
United States Donors
Friends of The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Inc. (“Friends”), is an independent American charity that was formed to support SickKids Foundation. Friends is a registered U.S. Charity with 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Services. Friends provides U.S. tax receipts to individuals or corporate donors. You can make a donation online to Friends at Network For Good by clicking here. If you wish to donate directly to Friends by cheque, securities or real property, please review our FAQ sheet here about different ways to donate.
Caribbean Donors
The SickKids Caribbean Initiative (SCI) is a partnership with the University of the West Indies (UWI), Ministries of Health and key hospitals and institutions from six participating Caribbean countries: The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago to build sustainable, local capacity to diagnose, treat and manage paediatric cancers and blood disorders in the region. Donors located in the Caribbean who wish to support SickKids can contact Sherri James by phone at 416-702-9418 or email at sherrie.james@sickkidsfoundation.com.
United Kingdom Donors
If you’re a donor located in the UK, you can donate to SickKids Foundation U.K., an independent United Kingdom registered charity that supports SickKids Foundation. SickKids Foundation is registered for Gift Aid in the UK to maximize your donation. Donors who wish to support SickKids Foundation U.K. can contact Mark Goldbloom by phone at 416-813-1220 or by email at Mark.Goldbloom@sickkidsfoundation.com.
Friends of The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Inc. is often referred to as simply Friends. It is an independent American charity that accepts gifts from U.S.-based individual or corporate donors who wish to support The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto. Friends and SickKids Foundation (a Canadian not-for-profit children’s charity that raises funds on behalf of The Hospital for Sick Children) are completely independent of each other, each with its own independent board of directors.
Direct contributions from U.S. resident donors to Canadian charities, such as SickKids Foundation, are generally not tax deductible in the United States. However, Friends of The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Inc. (“Friends”), is an independent American charity that has provided support to SickKids Foundation. Friends is a registered U.S. Charity with 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Services. Friends provides U.S. tax receipts to individuals or corporate donors. You can make a donation online to Friends at Network For Good by clicking here. If you wish to donate directly to Friends by cheque, securities or real property, please review our FAQ sheet here about different ways to donate
SickKids, with the assistance of Friends, has a tradition of caring for children from all over the world. We collaborate with healthcare organizations in more than 75 countries, helping to build sustainable, integrated programs dedicated to child health. Thousands of patients come to SickKids from outside of Ontario, including from across Canada and U.S. and around the world, each year. You can help by building a legacy to support a vision of improving children’s health worldwide.
No. In addition to cash, online, or by check and appreciated stocks or real property, U.S. donors may also make planned gifts via Friends of The Hospital for Sick Children. For Bequests and Trusts, Friends must be the designated charitable beneficiary in order for the charitable remainder trust to qualify for U.S. estate tax and income tax deductions.
You can write to, or email, Susan L.Q. Flaherty, Counsel to Friends.
Her contact information is:
Friends of The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Inc.
c/o Roha & Flaherty Attention: Susan L.Q. Flaherty
1725 I Street N. W. Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006-2423
Phone: 202.833.0033
e-mail: slqflaherty-ngolaw@juno.com