Holiday safety tips from AboutKidsHealth

GUEST BLOG: Alisha Papineau, AboutKidsHealth


With holiday parties coming up, it’s important to be aware of the hazards some supplies and decorations may pose for children. Here are some tips from AboutKidsHealth to keep kids safe over the holiday season.

At holiday parties

Make sure children are always supervised by at least one person. With a lot of people around and a lot going on, there will be even more potential hazards, and it’s easy to lose track of who is watching whom and when. Consider coordinating with others at the party so that you know there is one adult keeping an eye on the children at all times.

Try to get rid of hazards as you see them. Dispose of party items as they are used; some of these can be dangerous for young children, such as:

  • Tabs on beer cans
  • Cigarette butts
  • Toothpicks for hors d’œuvres


Decorations around the home

Holiday plants like holly, mistletoe, and poinsettias can be dangerous for children, so if you choose to decorate with these, make sure to place them out of children’s reach. Poinsettias can cause skin irritation when touched and upset stomach when ingested, while holly and mistletoe are poisonous and have more serious effects.


If you have an artificial tree, these are some things you should consider:

  • Your artificial tree should be fire resistant
  • Don’t hang electric lights on metallic trees, as this can cause a buildup of electricity, resulting in a fire or people who touch the tree to get shocked


If you are purchasing a real tree, make sure that:

  • Your tree is freshly cut, because dry trees pose a fire hazard
  • You choose a sturdy base to prevent tipping


For both types of tree, use Canadian Standards Association (CSA)-approved lights only to reduce risk of fire, and never have more than 1,400 watts on one circuit. Make sure you turn tree lights off before going to bed or leaving the house.

Close up of lights on a Christmas tree.

AboutKidsHealth is SickKids’ health-education website and features more than 3,500 articles on a range of paediatric health topics. For more information on potential hazards and how to stay safe during the holiday season, check out the article on Holiday safety on the AboutKidsHealth website.