Positive parenting – Tips from AboutKidsHealth

AboutKidsHealth has tips for encouraging and reinforcing positive behaviour in children up to the age of 5 years, as well as managing and redirecting unwanted behaviours.


Encouraging positive behaviour
In order to encourage positive behaviour in children, parents and caregivers should model positive behaviour themselves. For example, when giving directions, make eye contact with your child and use a calm, positive voice. For more examples, please see, “Tips for positive parenting and managing behaviour in children up to age 5.”

A family sitting together laughing

Reinforcing positive behaviour
To reinforce positive behaviour in your child, praise your child for showing the behaviour you want to see. Children are more likely to repeat the behaviours they are praised for. It is also important to be specific in recognizing your child’s strengths.

Praise your child for showing the behaviour you want to see.


Managing and redirecting unwanted behaviours
When you see early signs of an unwanted behaviour, try to distract your child with another activity. You can also help prevent unwanted behaviours by trying to identify triggers of those behaviours. In addition, you can help your child feel more secure and to know what to expect by sticking to routine. However, make sure to be flexible and more patient with your child when they are:

  • tired
  • sick
  • hungry
  • under stress


Your child’s routine should include special play time, during which you enjoy time together without asking questions, teaching or giving commands. For tips to guide your special play time and more information about the other strategies noted above, please see, “Tips for positive parenting and managing behaviour in children up to age 5.”


For more parenting information, see the AboutKidsHealth article, “How to set limits (children up to 5 years of age)” to learn about the importance of setting limits and how to appropriately use consequences and time outs.


AboutKidsHealth is SickKids’ health-education website and features more than 3,500 articles on a range of health topics. For more information on positive parenting and other health topics, visit www.aboutkidshealth.ca.