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The above locations are for houses and townhouses only and not apartment buildings or condominiums

Opening Doors to Monthly Donations

About Door-to-Door fundraising

Our Door-to-Door program was designed to reach people in all communities across Ontario. Our fundraisers go house-to-house to inspire people to join us to heal the future by making a monthly donation to SickKids. Our monthly donor community provides critical funds to create impact where it’s needed most now, and where it’s needed next. Whether it’s funding research, clinical advances, or compassionate care, monthly giving is a great way to make a bigger impact on our mission to make every kid a healthy kid.


Our Partner, Globalfaces Direct

SickKids partners with Globalfaces Direct, one of Canada’s largest face-to-face fundraising services. In keeping with Imagine Canada’s Standards Program and best practices for fundraising, our fundraisers are compensated through an hourly wage with no commission. They receive comprehensive training which allows them to speak on behalf of SickKids about our work and fundraising programs.  As part of the sign up process, fundraisers will call our verification call center 1-888-914-0485 or 647-943-2825, to complete the donation. 


Door-to-Door Program FAQs


Need help with our Door-to-Door program?